
Whether the stickers come on the UPCs, Assortments, or Store tags you always have to keep your eyes peeled for the smallest changes.


Inserts for the THX Special Edition were added to the figures to promote the upcoming movie re-releases.

Stand Up Bubble

The Stand Up Bubble was a packaging change for the POTF2 line.  Giving a nod to the collectors.  An extension of the bubble was made so that the carded figure could stand on its own.

JP DS0000

Asst. No. 69579/69570
Bubble: SQ
THX Insert
Japanese Sticker

IT DS9534

Asst. No. 69574.103/69570
Bubble: SQ
Version: 69574.103

CA DS9535

Asst. No. 69574/69570
Bubble: SQ

EU DS9536

Asst. No. 69574.134/69570
Bubble: SQ
Version: 69574.134
UPC Sticker
.134 Assortment Sticker

EU DS9541

Asst. No. 69574.134/69570
Bubble: SQ
Version: 69574.134
UPC Sticker

EU DS9543

Asst. No. 69574.134/69570
Bubble: SQ
Version: 69574.134
.134 Assortment Printed

EU DS9603

Asst. No. 69574.164/69570
Bubble: SQ
Version: 69574.164
.164 Assortment Sticker

EU DS9617

Asst. No. 69574.102/69570
Bubble: SQ
Version: 69574.102
.102 Assortment Printed

US DS9647

Asst. No. 69570/69574
Bubble: SQ
Version: 521789.00
Release: 8/95

MX DS9706

Asst. No. 69574/69570
Bubble: SQ
Special Edition Gold Foil Sticker
UPC Sticker
Warranty Sticker
Import Sticker
Spanish Warning Sticker

JP DS9729

Asst. No. 69570/69574
Bubble: SUB
Japanese Sticker

CA DS9731

Asst. No. 69574/69570
Bubble: SQ
Stand-up Bubble

CA DS9745

Asst. No. 69574/69570
Bubble: SQ
Stand-up Bubble
Nerd Research
R2-D2 Master List

.00, Photo, Orange Saber, Square Bubble, Old Peg Hook, Four Digit
Photo, Orange Saber, Slanted Bubble, Old Peg Hook, Four Digit, Japanese Sticker on Back
Photo, Orange Saber, Square Bubble, Old Peg Hook, Four Digit, European THX Insert
Photo, Orange Saber, Square Bubble, Old Peg Hook, Four Digit, Japanese THX Insert
Photo, Orange Saber, Square Bubble, Old Peg Hook, Four Digit, Canadian SQ Card
Hologram, Orange Saber, Slanted Bubble, Old Peg Hook, Four Digit, Canadian SQ Card